Distribution by type of community

The huge separation between large and small communities is naturally reflected in the level of territorial competencies exercised.

The regions, departments and large agglomerations (metropolises, urban communities, agglomeration communities) not only have their own competencies that justify proactive digital policies (digital development, attractiveness, innovation and the economy), they also have thematic competencies that justify the production and publication of essential data in the fields of mobility, public infrastructure, land use planning, and education and social issues. These large communities also have powerful information systems, numerous human skills and dedicated financial resources.

It is the communal level, often rural, that remains far from the open data dynamic and it is legitimate to hope that the former will help the latter. This is the challenge of the OpenDataLocale program, led by OpenDataFrance, which invites large local authorities to offer local support to small municipalities, in the form of specific service packages ranging from awareness-raising to training, coaching, and shared hosting, or even offering acceleration programs for the publication of thematic data with, for example, the Grand Est Region (budget) or the Brittany Region (deliberation).

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